
+15 accept_vassalization_reasons
-15% Administrative technology cost
7,5% Artillery combat ability
-25% Autonomy change cooldown
+0.1 backrow_artillery_damage
-11% Build cost
-0.5 build_cost_in_colo_nation
-0.25 build_cost_in_subject_nation
yes can_use_all_projects
20% Caravan power
50% Cavalry flanking ability
25% Cavalry to infantry ratio
+1 Colonists
-10% Core-creation cost
-70% Culture conversion cost
-10% Development cost
-0.15 development_cost_modifier
-25% Diplomatic annexation cost
+2 Diplomatic relations
+2 Diplomatic reputation
+0.01 diszi_per_prof_level
-0.33 drill_decay_modifier
-25% Embracement cost
-15% fire_damage_received
10% Fort defense
10% Galley combat ability
25% Global tariffs
10% global_sailors_modifier
+1 global_supply_limit_modifier
20% Goods produced modifier
+0.25 governing_capacity_modifier
-0.25 great_project_upgrade_cost
10% heavy_ship_power
15% Hostile core-creation cost on us
7,5% Infantry combat ability
-0.025/Colonial Inflation reduction
+0.15 Institution spread
-1 Interest per annum
-15% Land attrition
5% Land fire damage
+1 Land leader fire
+1 Leader siege
+1 Legitimacy
-50% Liberty desire from subjects development
25% Local movement speed
+1 Loot amount
10% manpower_recovery_speed
+20 Maximum absolutism
yes May raid coasts
+1 Merchants
+1 Missionaries
13% Missionary strength
-0.25 missionary_maintenance_cost
-5% Monthly autonomy change
20% Morale of armies
7,5% Morale of navies
+0.075 morale_damage
+0.5 movement_speed_onto_off_boat_modifier
25% National manpower modifier
15% National tax modifier
-2 National unrest
25% Naval force limit modifier
+1 Naval leader shock
+3 Number of Possible Development Provinces
yes Permanent casus belli against neighboring heathens and heretics
15% Production efficiency
-1 promote_culture_cost
+0.33 reform_progress_growth
15% Religious unity
-20% Ship costs
7,5% Shock damage
-30% shock_damage_received
-65% State maintenance
5% Trade efficiency
-0.25 trade_company_governing_cost
-0.1 Yearly corruption
+0.05 Yearly inflation reduction
+0.01 yearly_patriarch_authority
-5 Years of separatism




Casus belli

  1. Coast Invasion